03 August 2012

NOTICE: Manuscripta Juridica is now online!

From the 31st of July 2012 the new data base of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer europaeische Rechtsgeschichte is available online. Based on the famous Verzeichnis der Handschriften zum römischen Recht bis 1600 (4 vols., Frankfurt 1972) by Gero Dolezalek, the online database has been realized under the direction of prof. Dolezalek.

"The data base aims at providing a census of handwritten texts (as many as possible) of juridical literature from past times. At present, the main focus is on texts in Latin, and predominantly texts from medieval times before the invention of the printing press. However, the data base also accommodates texts in vernacular languages and texts not from the Middle Ages".

"The data base is being made available to the public although it is still in a provisional state of electronic layout, so that researchers eager to use the data base should not be kept waiting any longer. While more sophisticated electronic presentation is planned, it can be postponed to later stages of the work.
At present, the data base offers seven entry points:
  • (1) Locations and their manuscripts
  • (2) Scribes
  • (3) Previous possessors
  • (4) Titles of individual items within the manuscripts
  • (5) Authors
  • (6) Beginning words of items
  • (7) Closing words of items (in reversed order)"
Website: http://manuscripts.rg.mpg.de/ 

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