02 June 2011

NOTICE: New Issue of Law and History

The latest issue of Law & History Review has been published. It includes sections on both 'Racial Discrimination and the Law in Comparative Perspective' and 'Reflections on Further Research in Comparative Legal History'.

I strongly recommend Philip Girard and Jim Phillips' 'Rethinking ‘the Nation’ in National Legal History: A Canadian Perspective':


Craig Bryan Yirush - Claiming the New World: Empire, Law, and Indigenous Rights in the Mohegan Case, 1704–1743

Sachin S. Pandya - The First Liability Insurance Cartel in America, 1896–1906

Kif Augustine-Adams - Marriage and Mestizaje, Chinese and Mexican: Constitutional Interpretation and Resistance in Sonora, 1921–1935

Forum: Racial Determination and the Law in Comparative Perspective

John W. Wertheimer - Introduction

John W. Wertheimer, Jessica Bradshaw, Allyson Cobb, Harper Addison, E. Dudley Colhoun, Samuel Diamant, Andrew Gilbert, Jeffrey Higgs and Nicholas Skipper - “The law recognizes racial instinct”: Tucker v. Blease and the Black–White Paradigm in the Jim Crow South

Christopher J. Lee - Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis in the Colonies: The Interwar Politics of Race, Culture, and Multiracial Legal Status in British Africa

Thomas Pegelow Kaplan - “In the Interest of the Volk…”: Nazi-German Paternity Suits and Racial Recategorization in the Munich Superior Courts, 1938–1945

Forum: Essay

Ariela J. Gross - Race, Law, and Comparative History

Forum: Comment

Peter C. Caldwell - When the Complexity of Lived Experience Finds Itself Before a Court of Law

Reflections on Further Research in Comparative Legal History

Theresa Alfaro-Velcamp and Robert H. Mclaughlin - Immigration and Techniques of Governance in Mexico and the United States: Recalibrating National Narratives through Comparative Immigration Histories

Philip Girard and Jim Phillips - Rethinking ‘the Nation’ in National Legal History: A Canadian Perspective

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