24 May 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS: XIV International Congress of Medieval Canon Law (5-11 August 2011)

The Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law will be held 5-11August, 2012, at Saint Michael's College in the University of Toronto, Canada:

The program committee invites proposals for papers in any area of Medieval Canon Law.

Please include the following information with your proposal:
  • Your Name and title (Ms./Mr., Dr., Prof., etc)
  • Your institutional affiliation
  • The title of your proposed paper
  • A brief (one paragraph) summary of the proposed paper
  • Your email address
  • Your postal address
In addition to individual papers, the program committee will also entertain proposals for special sessions (3 papers) and panel discussions on a particular topic.

The deadline for proposals is August 15, 2011. Proposals (in a PDF file, or in Word or WordPerfect format) should be sent as an email attachment to joe.goering@utoronto.ca. Those unable to send proposals as email attachments may send a hard copy to: Joseph Goering; Department of History; University of Toronto; 100 St. George St; Toronto, ON M5S 3G3; Canada

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