30 March 2011

NOTICE: PhD Studentship in History (Nottingham Trent University)

Nottingham Trent University has announced a PhD Studentship in History.

One of the areas sought is 'Modern British legal history, with a focus on the legal process and the courts in action, with a particular interest in the development of the modern judiciary since c1840' or 'modern British
crime history, particularly (but not exclusively) the history of the summary courts' (Dr Judith Rowbotham, judith.rowbotham@ntu.ac.uk).

The details are:

The School of Arts and Humanities invites applications from well qualified candidates, who have or expect to graduate with good first degrees or Masters level qualifications, to undertake doctoral study in History.

Research in History is rich and diverse; with staff conducting internationally recognised and world leading research. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, 75% of research within History was judged to be of international quality.

The Graduate School offers a multidisciplinary research culture with a thriving postgraduate community and well-established staff/student research seminars. Students are supported by a training course in Research Practice, which provides a grounding in the methodologies and research skills that are essential to the professional researcher.

One fully-funded studentship is available. The studentship will pay UK / EU fees and provide a maintenance stipend linked to the RCUK rate (£13,590 per annum for 2010/11) for up to three years. International candidates are welcome to apply but, if successful, will be liable for the difference between Home/EU tuition fees and International tuition fees each year. In 2010/11, this is £7,034 and is likely to rise each year. The minimum English language proficiency requirement for international candidates without a higher degree from a UK HE institution is IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 560/iBT 94-95.

The School’s website contains information about research in History (http://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/academic_schools/hum/index.html).

The closing date for applications is 9.00 GMT on Friday 6th May 2011.

For further information about the studentship in History and for an application pack please contact the Graduate School (Arts & Science) on telephone +44 (0)115 848 6321 or via email aas.research@ntu.ac.uk. For informal discussions on research proposals, please contact the relevant supervisor directly.

The University has also recently announced the Vice Chancellor’s PhD studentships. Information about these studentships may be found on the Nottingham Trent University website (http://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/research_degrees/studentships/index.html). The closing date for the Vice Chancellor’s PhD studentships is earlier, 9.00 GMT on Monday 18th April 2011.

22 March 2011

NOTICE: European Society for Comparative Legal History Membership List

The European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) is pleased to announce the publication of its membership list on the ESCLH Blog.

The Membership List notes, where provided, the affiliation, research interests, and contact information of our members.

For those not already members, membership information is also available on the Blog.

In addition to the Membership List, we also host a Register of Legal Historians. While we encourage legal historians to become members, we're also happy to list them in the Register, included on the blog after the list of members.

If there are errors in the listing or if you'd like to be included, please contact me at sean.donlan@ul.ie.

NOTICE: Centers of Legal History - Paris (revised)

I recently posted an entry on French legal history that I received by email. It turned out that the entry was mistakenly sent before it was complete.

The full entry on 'Centers of Legal History - Paris' is now available on the Rechtsgeschiedenis Blog (Legal History with a Dutch View). 

Both the entry and the blog are worth checking out. 

15 March 2011

NOTICE: Laurence (editor) on the New Police in the Nineteenth Century

Paul Laurence (ed.), The New Police in the Nineteenth Century is due for publication this month:

The period 1829-1856 witnessed the introduction of the 'New Police' to Great Britain and Ireland. Via a series of key legislative acts, traditional mechanisms of policing were abolished and new, supposedly more efficient, forces were raised in their stead. Subsequently, the introduction of the 'New Police' has been represented as a watershed in the development of the systems of policing we know today. But just how sweeping were the changes made to the maintenance of law and order during the nineteenth century? The articles collected in this volume (written by some of the foremost criminal justice historians) show a process which, while cumulatively dramatic, was also at times protracted and acrimonious. There were significant changes to the way in which Britain and Ireland were policed during the nineteenth century, but these changes were by no means as straightforward or as progressive as they have at times been represented.

The contents include:


Part I: Police Reform and Administration:
  • The Bedfordshire Police 1840–1856: a case study in the working of the Rural Constabulary Act, Clive Emsley
  • Reform of the Borough police, 1835–1856, Jenifer Hart
  • The County and Borough Police Act, 1856, Jenifer Hart
  • The new police, crime and people in England and Wales, 1829–1888, D.J.V. Jones
  • The Metropolitan Police Receiver in the XIXth century, R.M. Morris
  • The police system of London, W. O'Brien
  • The Home Office and the provincial police in England and Wales, 1856–1870, Henry Parris
  • Whigs and coppers: the Grey ministry's National Police Scheme (1832), David Philips and Robert D. Storch.
Part II: Changing Patterns of Policing:
  • Recruiting the English policeman, c.1840–1940, Clive Emsley and Mark Clapson
  • 'Private policing and the workplace': the Worsted Committee and the policing of labor in Northern England, 1840–1880, Barry Godfrey
  • Policing London's morals: the Metropolitan Police and popular culture, 1829–1850, Stephen Inwood
  • Early policing methods in Gloucestershire, Bryan Jerrard
  • The plague of the blue locusts: police reform and popular resistance in Northern England, 1840–57, Robert D. Storch
  • The policeman as domestic missionary: urban discipline and popular culture in Northern England, 1850–1880, Robert D. Storch
  • The new science of policing: crime and the Birmingham police force, 1839–1842, Michael Weaver.
Part III: The New Police – Ireland (The Royal Irish Constabulary):
  • Peel and police reform in Ireland, 1814–18, Tadhg Ó Ceallaigh
  • James Shaw-Kennedy and the reformation of the Irish Constabulary, 1836–38, Gregory J. Fulham
  • The domestication of the Royal Irish Constabulary, 1836–1922, W.J. Lowe and E.L. Malcolm
  • Policing famine Ireland, W.J. Lowe
  • The constabulary agitation of 1882, W.J. Lowe
  • 'The reign of terror in Carlow': the politics of policing Ireland in the late 1830s, Elizabeth Malcolm.
Part IV: International Comparisons:
  • A typology of 19th-century police, Clive Emsley
  • Criminal justice in provincial England, France and the Netherlands, c. 1880–1905: some comparative perspectives,Wim Mellaerts
  • Police authority in London and New York City, 1830–1870, Wilbur R. Miller
Name Index.

13 March 2011

NOTICE: New Canadian Legal History Blog

A new blog, connected to the Osgood Society for Canadian Legal History, has been created.

Just launched, the Canadian Legal History Blog has already posted two notices: for (i) the Peter Oliver Prize in Canadian Legal History and (ii) the R. Roy McMurtry Fellowship in Canadian Legal History.

03 March 2011

NOTICE: Law Books: History and Connoisseurship (13-17 June 2011)

I just received the following:

Registration is now open for the Rare Book School course, "Law Books: History and Connoisseurship," June 13-17, 2011 at the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville.

The course is the successor to the popular and influential course taught for many years by David Warrington and the late Morris Cohen, "Collecting the History of Anglo-American Law." I have expanded its scope to include European and Latin American law.

You can view the course description for "Law Books: History and Connoisseurship" at http://www.rarebookschool.org/courses/collecting/c85/, as well as evaluations from the students who took the course last summer.

The Rare Book School homepage, http://www.rarebookschool.org/, provides information on applications, admissions, scholarships, housing, and related matters.

If you know of librarians, legal historians, lawyers or book collectors who might be interested, please pass the word. Beginners are welcome. I'm also happy to answer questions about the course.

Since 1983, Rare Book School has provided continuing-education opportunities for students from all disciplines and levels to study the history of written, printed, and born digital materials with leading scholars and professionals in the field.

Rare Book Librarian & Lecturer in Legal Research
Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School
P.O. Box 208215, New Haven, CT 06520-8215
Phone: (203) 432-4494
Yale Law Library - Rare Books Blog:

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Criminal Justice Network for the European Social Science History Conference (Glasgow, 11-14 April 2012)

As a follow-up to the last post:

The Criminal Justice Network for European Social Science History Conference calls for paper proposals for the next conference: 11-14 April 2012 in Glasgow, UK.

Deadline for proposals 1 May 2011

The Criminal Justice Network is one of the larger networks with seventeen slots allocated for the conference. You are invited to propose individual papers or sessions on any theme related to the history of crime and criminal justice.

We particularly encourage scholars to group together to propose fully organised sessions around specific themes. A proposed session should include: an organiser, at least four papers, a discussant and a chair person.

If you wish to discuss your proposal please don’t hesitate to contact one of the network organisers:

Dr. Anja Johansen (University of Dundee), email: a.m.johansen@dundee.ac.uk
Dr. Paul Lawrence (The Open University), email: p.m.lawrence@open.ac.uk
Professor Klaus Weinhauer (Universität Bielefeld), email: klaus.weinhauer@uni-bielefeld.de

How to submit a proposal : Fill in the pre-registration form from the ESSH website, http://www.iisg.nl/esshc/ including an abstract of 100-500 words of the proposed paper. For session proposals each participant has to register their paper individually, indicating clearly the title of the session to which the paper belongs. It is the responsibility of session organisers to ensure that all participants in the proposed session register with the ESSHC before the deadline.

Please note that papers sent directly to the organisers without formal registration on the ESSHC website will not be taken into consideration.

CALL FOR PAPERS: European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC, 11-14 April 2012)

A Call for Papers has been announced for the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2012:

The International Institute for Social History will organize the Ninth European Social Science History conference at Glasgow University, Scotland, UK, 11 - 14 April 2012.

ESSHC logo
The deadline for sending in paper and session proposals is May 1, 2011.

The aim of the ESSHC is bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences.

The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions.

The conference welcomes papers and sessions on any historical topic and any historical period.

It is organized in 28 networks, which cover a certain topic. The conference language is English.


All conference participants are required to register. When you have pre-registered we will send you information on the final registration, payment, and accomodation in the fall of 2011.

Additional information is available at http://www.iisg.nl/esshc/2012/index.php.

01 March 2011

NOTICE: Colonies and Post-colonies of Law (Princeton, 18 March 2011)

A one-day conference on ‘Colonies and Postcolonies of law’ will be held at Princeton University on 18 March 2011.

Presenters include:

• Patrick Peel, The American Justice of the Peace, Legal Populism and Social Intermediation: 1645 to 1860
• Paul Swanepoel, Judicial Choice during the Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya, 1952-1960
• Anna Leah Fidelis T. Castañeda, Civilizing the Filipino Public: Colonialism and the American Constitutional Tradition in the Philippine Islands, 1900-1935
• Joseph Younger, “Monstrous and Illegal Proceedings:” Law, Violence and the Local Politics of Cross-Border Property in Alegrete, Brazil (1852-1864)
• Catherine Evans, One flew east, one flew west: Medical jurisprudence and British readings of the Indian criminal mind, 1850-1900
• Poornima Padipati, Time Zones: Anthropology, Tribes and Contractual Space in Colonial India
• Julia Stephens, Defining a Lex Loci for British India: Sovereignty, Evangelicalism, and the Origins of Personal Law
• Nada Moumtaz, What of the “interest of the waqf?” French mandate legislation and articulations of the Lebanese public good
• Sarah Ghabrial, Le ‘Fiqh francisé’?: Law reform and the Modern Muslim Family in Algeria, 1890-1918
• Omar Cheta, What Did Commerce Mean in Late Ottoman Egypt?
• Doreen Lustig, Abolition of Slavery in the League of Nations: The Case of Firestone in Liberia
• Michael Fakhri, The 1937 International Sugar Agreement: Neo-Colonial Cuba And Economic Aspects Of the League Of Nations

The conference’s plenary speech will be by Lauren Benton on ‘Justice by Despots: Patterns of Imperial Legal Politics’

The conference has been organized by Nurfadzilah Yahaya (nyahaya@princeton.edu) and Rohit De (rohitde@princeton.edu). Questions should be addressed to coloniesoflaw@gmail.com.