I just received the following:
The 30th annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society will be held in Brisbane, Australia, 12-13 December 2011. The 2011 conference theme – “Private Law, Public Lives” - examines the social dimensions of private law in history. What has been the historical role of private law in the creation of core social values? How did private law in areas such as the laws of marriage, property, succession, labour or contract, for example, shape colonial and postcolonial societies? What are the wider social implications of family law as well as commercial, corporations, competition or insurance law in the common law world and beyond? Proposals are invited from scholars in the fields of law, history and related disciplines. Proposals from all jurisdictions are welcome.
Paper proposals, including paper title, abstract (300 words max.) and brief author bio, should be sent by email to:
Conference committee
"Private Law, Public Lives"
30th annual conference of the ANZLHS
Brisbane, Australia
at lawhistconf@uq.edu.au by 14 May 2011.
The conference is hosted by the University of Queensland, and will be held at the historic Customs House, located on the shores of the Brisbane River.
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