29 January 2021

BOOK: Kathryn GREENMAN, Anne ORFORD, Anna SAUNDERS & Ntina TZOUVALA (Eds.), Revolutions in International Law - The Legacies of 1917 (Cambridge: CUP, 2021). ISBN 9781108495035, 95.00 GBP


(Source: CUP)

CUP is publishing a new book on the legacies of the 1917 revolution in international law.


In 1917, the October Revolution and the adoption of the revolutionary Mexican Constitution shook the foundations of the international order in profound, unprecedented and lasting ways. These events posed fundamental challenges to international law, unsettling foundational concepts of property, statehood and non-intervention, and indeed the very nature of law itself. This collection asks what we might learn about international law from analysing how its various sub-fields have remembered, forgotten, imagined, incorporated, rejected or sought to manage the revolutions of 1917. It shows that those revolutions had wide-ranging repercussions for the development of laws relating to the use of force, intervention, human rights, investment, alien protection and state responsibility, and for the global economy subsequently enabled by international law and overseen by international institutions. The varied legacies of 1917 play an ongoing role in shaping political struggle in the form of international law.


Kathryn GreenmanUniversity of Technology, Sydney
Kathryn Greenman is Lecturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney.

Anne OrfordUniversity of Melbourne
Anne Orford is Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Michael D. Kirby Chair of International Law at Melbourne Law School. Her publications include Reading Humanitarian Intervention (2003), International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect (2011), and Pensée Critique et Pratique du Droit International (2020).

Anna SaundersHarvard Law School, Massachusetts
Anna Saunders is Frank Knox Memorial Fellow at Harvard Law School and a former Teaching Fellow at Melbourne Law School.

Ntina TzouvalaAustralian National University, Canberra
Ntina Tzouvala is a Senior Lecturer at the College of Law, Australian National University. She is the author of Capitalism as Civilisation: A History of International Law (2020).



1. International law and revolution:

1917 and beyond Kathryn Greenman, Anne Orford, Ntina Tzouvala and Anna Saunders

Part I. Imperialism:

2. Looking eastwards: the Bolshevik theory of imperialism and international law Ntina Tzouvala and Robert Knox

3. Lenin at Nuremberg: anti-imperialism and the juridification of crimes against humanity Amanda Alexander

Part II. Institutions and Orders:

4. Excluding revolutionary states: Mexico, Russia and the League of Nations Alison Duxbury

5. Law, class struggle and nervous breakdowns Mai Taha

6. Microcosm: Soviet constitutional internationality Scott Newton

7. Law and socialist revolution: early Soviet legal theory and practice Owen Taylor

Part III. Intervention:

8. Intervention: sketches from the scenes of the Mexican and Russian Revolutions Dino Kritsiotis

9. Mexican revolutionary constituencies and the Latin American critique of US intervention Juan Pablo Scarfi

10. Mexican post-revolutionary foreign policy and the Spanish Civil War: legal struggles over intervention at the League of Nations Fabia Fernandes Carvalho Veçoso

Part IV. Investment:

11. 1917: property, revolution and rejection in international law Kate Miles

12. 1917 and its implications for the law of expropriation Daria Davitti

13. Contestations over legal authority: the Lena Goldfields Arbitration 1930 Andrea Leiter

14. The Mexican Revolution: alien protection and international economic order Kathryn Greenman

Part V. Rights:

15. 'Animated by the European spirit': European human rights as counterrevolutionary legality Anna Saunders

16. Human Rights, revolution and the 'good society': the Soviet Union and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Jessica Whyte.


More info here

BOOK: Elisabetta TROLLARDO, Fascist Italy and the League of Nations, 1922-1935 (London: Palgrave, 2016). ISBN 978-1-349-95027-0, € 93

(Source: Palgrave)


This book analyses the relationship between Fascist Italy and the League of Nations in the interwar years. By uncovering the traces of those Italians working in the organization, this volume investigates Fascist Italy’s membership of the League, and explores the dynamics between nationalism and internationalism in Geneva. The relationship between Fascist Italy and the League of Nations was contradictory, shifting from active collaboration to open disagreement. Previous literature has not reflected this oscillation in policy, focusing disproportionally on the problems Italy caused for the League, such as the Ethiopian crisis. Yet Fascist Italy remained in the League for more than fifteen years, and was the third largest power within the institution. How did a Fascist dictatorship fit into an organization espousing principles of liberal internationalism? By using archival sources from four countries, Elisabetta Tollardo shows that Fascist Italy was much more concerned with, and involved in, the League than currently believed.


Elisabetta Tollardo received her doctorate in history from the University of Oxford, UK. Her dissertation was awarded the British International History Group Thesis Prize in 2015.

More information with the publisher.

28 January 2021

BOOK: Betina FAIST, Assyrische Rechtsprechung im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (Münster: Zaphon, 2020). ISBN 978-3-96327-092-5, 90.00 EUR


(Source: Zaphon)

Zaphon has published a book on jurisprudence in the Neo-Assyrian period.


Betina Faist offers a systematic presentation of the jurisprudence in the Neo-Assyrian period based on a detailed examination of the traditional cuneiform texts. The methodological starting point is the analysis of the linguistic design of the texts, the research of the relevant terms and expressions as well as the critical examination of the available sources with regard to their thematic significance. This philological-historical approach is supplemented by a comparison with other epochs of the cuneiform tradition and with other legal circles. The sources available come from the “living” law of the Assyrians. First and foremost, these are documents in Neo-Assyrian language and script that were written down in the context of the settlement and settlement of private legal disputes. These are characterized by their formal diversity, which sets them apart from the other major types of documents such as A distinction is made between sales contracts and debt certificates, which follow a uniform form. The jurisprudence documented in the procedural documents mainly concerns disputes under private law (“civil jurisdiction”). Legal disputes affecting public interests, d. H. relating to the king, the palace (as an institution) or the temples are not recorded, but are discussed in royal correspondence. From this finding a more or less conscious distinction between individual and collective interests, between injustice against a fellow human being and injustice against the “state”, between “private” and “public” law can be derived. In contrast, no distinction is made between private and criminal law.

An appendix offers editions of 14 exemplary texts. Extensive lists of the documents examined complete the study.


Abkürzungen / Allgemeine Abkürzungen / Bibliographische Abkürzungen 

1. Einleitung

    1.1 Auswahl des Themas 

    1.2 Ziel und Methode

    1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit

2. Das Quellenmaterial

    2.1 Der Textbestand 

    2.2 Die Typologie der Prozessurkunden

        2.2.1 Die Prozessurkunden nach ihrem Formular 

        2.2.2 Die Prozessurkunden nach ihrer Funktion

        2.2.3 Die Prozessurkunden nach ihrem Erscheinungsbild

        2.2.4 Die Prozessurkunden nach der assyrischen Terminologie 

3. Das Urkundenschema

4. Die Parteien und ihre Konflikte 

    4.1 Der soziale Hintergrund der Parteien

    4.2 Die Prozessfähigkeit von Frauen, Sklaven und Fremden

    4.3 Die Streitgegenstände

    4.4 Außergerichtliche Einigungen

5. Die Gerichtsorganisation 

    5.1 Die Richter 

    5.2 Die Rolle des Königs 

    5.3 Götter als Richter 

    5.4 Hilfspersonal

    5.5 Ort und Zeit des Gerichts 

6. Der Verfahrensablauf 

    6.1 Die Prozesseinleitung

    6.2 Das Erkenntnisverfahren

        6.2.1 Die Aussagen der Parteien

        6.2.2 Die Beweismittel 




   Gottesurteil (Ordal)

   Auf frischer Tat ertappt 



    6.3 Die Streitbeilegung

7. Die Rechtsfolgen

    7.1 Charakterisierung 

    7.2 Vollstreckung 

    7.3 Anfechtung 

8. Abschließende Betrachtungen 

8.1 Zusammenfassung 

8.2 Prozessgrundsätze

8.3 Formen der Gerichtsbarkeit 

Anhang 1: Prozessurkunden aus Assur 

    Text 1: VAT 20374

    Text 2: VAT 9745

    Text 3: VAT 19169

    Text 4: VAT 20387

    Text 5: VAT 19493

    Text 6: VAT 20369

    Text 7: VAT 9312

    Text 8: VAT 9370

    Text 9: VAT 15579

    Text 10: VAT 19510

    Text 11: VAT 20398

    Text 12: VAT 20691

    Text 13: VAT 20792

    Text 14: VAT 20798

Anhang 2: Die Typologie der Prozessurkunden 

Anhang 3: Die Gerichtsorganisation 

Anhang 4: Die Datierung der Prozessurkunden 


    Konkordanz der Prozessurkunden in diesem Band 

    Konkordanz der Prozessurkunden in Jas 1996




More info here

BOOK: Tibor VARADY, People in Spite of History - Stories Found in an Attorney Archive in the Banat Region (Budapest: CEU Press, 2021). ISBN 978-963-386-407-4, 75.00 EUR


(Source: CEU Press)

The Central European University Press is publishing a book on documents of three generations of lawyers from a local family of lawyers in early 20th century Serbia.


Three generations of a family of lawyers have run a firm founded in 1893 in the small city of Becskerek (today in Serbian Zrenjanin), first part of the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg monarchy, then Hungary, then Yugoslavia, then for a while under German occupation, then again part of Yugoslavia and finally Serbia. In the Banat district of the province of Vojvodina, the multiplicity of languages and religions and changes of place-names was a matter of course.

What is practically unprecedented, all files, folders, and documents of the law office have survived. They concern marriages, divorces, births, and testaments, as well as expulsions, emigrations, incarcerations and releases of these largely rural and small-town dwellers. Mundane cases reflect times through war, peace, revolution, and counter-revolution, through serfdom and freedom, through comfort and poverty. The files also show everyday lives shaped in spite of history. Tibor Várady transforms them into affecting and vivid vignettes, selecting and commenting without sentimentality but with empathy. The law office of the three generations of the Várady family demonstrates that the legal profession permits and in difficult times even requires its members to defend the ordinary men and women against the powers of state and society. 


FOREWORD by Richard Buxbaum
What is This Book about?

II. THREE BECSKEREK STORIES -- Featuring Local Jews and Germans in the Leading Roles
An anacrusis
1.The Eckstein Case
2. Socks on the Chandelier, Lives by a Thread
3. The Freund/Baráth Document

1. An Early Attempt to Topple the Soviet Power in Hungary
2. The Case of István Bakai with Various Armies
3. Is There a Window to Shoot From?

From Goose-down Business and Border Trespassing to Concentration Camp

1. A Near Divorce
2. Divorces and Sham Divorces in the Wake of World War Two
3. A Husband Who Very Seldom Visits Pubs and Only in the People's Interest

1. The Messinger
2. Dueling in Becskerek

VII. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC SITUATION – Lawsuits in the Years of the First Five-Year Plan
Some Perspective in Introduction
1. Corn or Corn Flour
2. Even if the Money is Made Available, I Cannot Transfer It
3. Cooperative Denial
4. A Calf-Killing Against the People’s Interests
5. Mafia-type Activity in the Years of the First Five-Year Plan


1 Fascism for Household Use in Becskerek
2 A Cynical Anti-People Smile (From Behind the Window)


  1.      The Messinger
  2.      Duels in Becskerek

VII. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC SITUATION – Lawsuits in the Years of the First Five Year plan

  1. Some Perspective in Introduction
    1. Corn or Cornflour
    2. Even if the Money is Made Available, I cannot Transfer if
    3. Cooperative Denial
    4. A Calf-Killing Against the People’s Interests
    5. Mafia-type Activity in the Years of the First Five-year Plan


1        Fascism for Household Use in Becskerek - Jemrics néni a.k.a. Adolf Fichtner    
2        A cynical anti-people smile (from behind the window)


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26 January 2021

BOOK: Lorie CHARLESWORTH, The 'Minor' War Crimes Trials: A Socio-Legal Investigation of Victims' Justice (London: Wildy & Sons, 2021). ISBN 9780415598262, 105.00 GBP


(Source: Wildy & Sons)

Wildy & Sons has published a new book on the ‘minor’ war crimes trials held in occupied Germany and elsewhere from 1945-1948.


The Minor War Crimes Trials: A Socio-Legal History reconstructs the legal and military history of the 'minor' war crimes trials held in Occupied Germany and elsewhere from 1945-8. Although the International Military Tribunal held at Nuremberg, from the end of 1945, is extremely well known, there were in fact hundreds of trials of 'minor' so-called war criminals so called in Occupied Germany, liberated Europe and the Far East. But little is known about these trials: even their number remains uncertain, and they are still shrouded in mystery. This book remedies that lack: addressing why those trials began; their legal framework; the trial processes; where they failed; who investigated them; the role of the military; and why they stopped. Challenging orthodox accounts that there was no Holocaust-awareness in Allied prosecutions, the book reveals the extent to which these 'minor' trials involved a substantial contribution by Holocaust victims. Jewish and other witnesses confronted their abusers; and were an integral part of successful prosecutions. Detailing the extent and value of their contribution, this study of the minor war crimes trials thus serves as a counterweight to the now orthodox and widespread perception of Holocaust survivors as helpless, feeble and emaciated Jews.



Chapter 1: Law's history and victim's justice a neglected conjunction

Chapter 2: Setting contexts: the historical, political and administrative framework for British 'minor' war crimes trials

Chapter 3: Living justice: British soldiers investigating war crimes

Chapter 4 Justice observed: legal and other readings of the Belsen(-Auschwitz) Trial 1946

Chapter 5: Living a different story: 2 SAS investigating war crimes in Occupied German

Chapter 6: Distorting justice?: intelligence agencies' involvement in the Natzweitler Trial, 1946

Chapter 7: Experiencing law: war crimes investigations as human narrative

Chapter 8: Doctrinal law versus victims' justice: narratives of legal insecurity and Nazi law

Chapter 9: Socio-legal perspectives: theory's ahistorical fascination with Nazi 'jurisprudence' and 'legal' responses to German/Axis war crimes.


More info here

BOOK:Aldo ZAMMIR BORDA, Histories Written by International Criminal Courts and Tribunals - Developing a Responsible History Framework (The Hague: Asser Press, 2020). ISBN 978-94-6265-426-6, 124.79 EUR


(Source: Asser Press)

Asser Press has published a new book on history-writing in international criminal adjudication.


This book argues for a more moderate approach to history-writing in international criminal adjudication by articulating the elements of a “responsible history” normative framework. The question of whether international criminal courts and tribunals (ICTs) ought to write historical narratives has gained renewed relevance in the context of the recent turn to history in international criminal law, the growing attention to the historical legacies of the ad hoc Tribunals and the minimal attention paid to historical context in the first judgment of the International Criminal Court.

The starting point for this discussion is that, in cases of mass atrocities, prosecutors and judges are inevitably understood to be engaged in writing history and influencing collective memory, whether or not they so intend. Therefore, while writing history is an inescapable feature of ICTs, there is still today a significant lack of consensus over the proper place of this function. Since Hannah Arendt articulated her doctrine of strict legality, in response to the prosecutor’s expansive didactic approach in Eichmann, the legal debate on the subject has been largely polarised between restrictive and expansive approaches to history-writing in mass atrocity trials. What has been noticeably missing from this debate is the middle ground. The contribution this book seeks to make is precisely to articulate a framework that occupies that ground. The book asks: what are the lenses through which judges of ICTs interpret historical events, what kind of histories do ICTs write? and what kinds of histories should ICTs produce? Its arguments for a more moderate approach to history-writing are based on three distinct, but interrelated grounds: (1) Truth and Justice; (2) Right to Truth; and (3) Legal Epistemology.

Different target audiences may benefit from this book. Court officials and legal practitioners may find the normative framework developed herein useful in addressing the tensions between the competing objectives of ICTs and, in particular, in assessing the value of the history-writing function. Lawyers, historians and other academics may also find the analysis of the strengths, constraints and blind spots of the historical narratives written by ICTs interesting. This issue is particularly timely in view of current debates on the legacies of ICTs.


Aldo Zammit Borda is Director of the Centre for Access to Justice and Inclusion at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK.


The table of contents can be found here


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25 January 2021

BOOK: Antonio MUSARRA, Il Grifo e il Leone. Genova e Venezia in lotta per il Mediterraneo (Bari: Laterza, 2020). ISBN: 9788858140727, pp. 272, € 24,00

(Source: Laterza)


Luogo d’incontri e contaminazioni, nel basso Medioevo il Mediterraneo fu, anche e soprattutto, un luogo di aspri scontri. Genova e Venezia – così come Pisa o la corona catalano-aragonese – si resero protagoniste d’una lotta senza quartiere, ricorrendo a ogni mezzo, lecito o illecito, per assicurarsi il controllo delle principali rotte di trasporto. Sin dalla fine dell’XI secolo, le due città, grandi potenze navali e commerciali, erano andate imponendo il proprio predominio sul Mediterraneo orientale, moltiplicando i propri insediamenti. Le loro attenzioni s’erano volte all’Egitto e alla costa siro-palestinese, divenuti dopo le crociate una parte essenziale del mondo. La conquista veneziana di Costantinopoli, nel 1204, rivoluzionò il quadro politico, dando avvio ai primi scontri tra le due marine. Con la cosiddetta ‘guerra di San Saba’, conclusasi con la cacciata dei genovesi da Acri, capitale del regno di Gerusalemme, si giunse per la prima volta allo scontro aperto. Da questo momento, il Grifo e il Leone esprimeranno un’accesa rivalità, scandita da innumerevoli battaglie navali, che si protrarrà per oltre un secolo e mezzo.


Antonio Musarrra insegna Storia medievale alla Sapienza Università di Roma. Con il Mulino ha pubblicato «Genova e il mare nel Medioevo» (2015), «Acri 1291. La caduta degli stati crociati» (2017), «Il crepuscolo della crociata» (2018) e, con Franco Cardini, «Il grande racconto delle crociate» (2019).

The table of contents is available in PDF version, here. More information with the publisher.

Erica RACKLEY & Rosemary AUCHMUTY, 'The Case for Feminist Legal History', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies XL (2020), No. 4 (Winter), 878-904


(image source: OUP)


While we may be witnessing a highpoint of interest in the lives of early women lawyers, and women’s legal history generally, feminist legal history remains largely undeveloped in the UK. Drawing on examples of women’s representation in and engagement with law and law reform in the UK and Ireland, this article delineates the method, scope and purpose of feminist legal history. It begins by exploring the place of women in traditional accounts of legal history, before going on to consider the methodological and substantive goals of feminist legal history. We argue that feminist legal history is a political project, requiring its authors to commit not only to uncovering untold stories, but also to challenging and revising dominant historical narratives. We conclude with a call for scholars to take up the insights and methods of feminist legal history as a means of acknowledging and celebrating the agency of those involved in past and ongoing struggles for justice and equality.

(read the article here: DOI 10.1093/ojls/gqaa023). 

BOOK: Harumi GOTO-SHIBATA, The League of Nations and the East Asian Imperial Order, 1920–1946 (London: Palgrave, 2020). ISBN: 978-981-15-4967-0, € 93


(Source: Palgrave)


Well-grounded on abundant Japanese language sources which have been underused, this book uncovers the League of Nations’ works in East Asia in the inter-war period. By researching the field of social and other technical issues, namely, the trade in narcotics, the trafficking of women and the work in terms of improving health provision and providing economic advice to Nationalist China, it not only examines their long-term impacts on the international relations in the region but also argues that the League’s works challenged the existing imperial order of East and Southeast Asia. The book offers a key read for academics and students of international history and international relations, and others studying Japan or East Asia in the twentieth century. 


Harumi Goto-Shibata is Professor of International History at the Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan. Her prior publications include Japan and Britain in Shanghai, 1925-31 (Macmillan, St Antony’s series, 1995) as well as three single-authored books, and two co-edited books in Japanese.

More information and table of contents with the publisher.

BOOK: Anne DOBIGNY-REVERSO, Xavier PRÉVOST & Nicolas WAREMBOURG (Eds.). Jus et Consuetudo -Recueil d’articles réunis en hommage (Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2020). ISBN 978-2-406-09631-3, EUR 39.00


Classiques Garnier has published an edited collection in honor of Professor Jean-Louis Thireau.


Ce florilège honore le magistère scientifique du professeur Jean-Louis Thireau en mettant à la disposition du public, à travers quatre grandes thématiques, ses contributions les plus significatives, qui s’étendent du Moyen Âge central au xixe siècle, de la coutume angevine au Code civil des Français.


The ToC can be found here


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22 January 2021

JOURNAL: Law and History Review (Vol. 38, Issue 4)


(Source: CUP)

The Law and History Review has recently published its latest issue for 2020. Here the table of contents:


The Limits of the Law in Claiming Rights to Land in a Settler Colony: South Australia in the Early-to-Mid Nineteenth Century

Bain Attwood 631

“The Citizen Complains”: Federal Compensation for Property Lost in the War of 1812

Craig B. Hollander 659

The Strange Career of Gross Indecency: Race, Sex, and Law in Colonial Singapore

J. Y. Chua 699

Speaking the Unspeakable: Buggery, Law, and Community Surveillance in New South Wales, 1788–1838

Luke Taylor 737

“The Work of Some Irresponsible Women”: Jurors, Ghosts, and Embracery in the Irish Free State

Mark Coen 777

Trial without Jury in Guam, USA

Katherine Unterman 811

“South Africa is the Mississippi of the world”: Anti-Apartheid Activism through Domestic Civil Rights Law

Joanna L. Grisinger 843

Racializing Mercy: Capital Punishment and Race in TwentiethCentury England and Wales

Lizzie Seal and Alexa Neale 883

Book Reviews

The Profession of Ecclesiastical Lawyers—Richard H. Helmholz

reviewed by Sarah B. White 911

Law and the Imagination in Medieval Wales—Robin Chapman Stacey

reviewed by Gwen Seabourne 913

Juries in Ireland: Laypersons and Law in the Long Nineteenth Century—Niamh Howlin

reviewed by The Hon. Mr. Justice John MacMenamin 914

Frontiers of Citizenship: A Black and Indigenous History of Postcolonial Brazil—Yuko Miki

reviewed by Jean Hébrard 917

Afghanistan Rising: Islamic Law and Statecraft between the Ottoman and British Empires—Faiz Ahmed

reviewed by Amir A. Toft 919

Liberalism as Utopia: The Rise and Fall of Legal Rule in Post-Colonial Mexico, 1820-1900—Timo Schaefer

reviewed by Reuben Zahler 922

Copyrighting God: Ownership of the Sacred in American Religion—Andrew Ventimiglia

reviewed by Robert Spoo 924

La historia de los derrotados: americanización y romanticismo en Puerto Rico, 1898–1917—Rubén Nazario Velasco

reviewed by Sam Erman 926

One Hundred Years of Struggle: The History of Women and the Vote in Canada—Joan Sangster

reviewed by Lyndsay Campbell 928


More information here

BOOK: John BAKER, English Law Under Two Elizabeths - The Late Tudor Legal World and the Present (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021). ISBN 9781108947329, 22.99 GBP


(Source: CUP)

CUP is publishing a comparative legal history of English Law under the two Elizabeths.


Comparative legal history is generally understood to involve the comparison of legal systems in different countries. This is an experiment in a different kind of comparison. The legal world of the first Elizabethans is separated from that of today by nearly half a millennium. But the past is not a wholly different country. The common law is still, in an organic sense, the same common law as it was in Tudor times and Parliament is legally the same Parliament. The concerns of Tudor lawyers turn out to resonate with those of the present and this book concentrates on three of them: access to justice, in terms of both cost and public awareness; the respective roles of common law and legislation; and the means of protecting the rule of law through the courts. Central to the story is the development of judicial review in the time of Elizabeth I.


Sir John Baker, University of Cambridge

Sir John Baker is Emeritus Downing Professor of the Laws of England, University of Cambridge. His recent publications include the 5th edition of his An Introduction to English Legal History (2019), The Reinvention of Magna Carta 1216–1616 (Cambridge, 2017) and Collected Papers on English Legal History (Cambridge, 2013).


I. The English Legal System under Elizabeth I

2. The Elizabethan Common Law

3. An Age of Common Law and an Age of Statute?

4. The Elizabethan Inheritance

5. Comparing Then and Now.


More info here

BOOK: Fernando LIENDO TAGLE, Prensa jurídica española. Avance de un repertorio (1834-1936), [Historia del Derecho, 89] (Madrid: Dykinson/Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), ISBN: 978-84-1377-212-7, OPEN ACCESS


The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has published “Prensa jurídica española. Avance de un repertorio (1834-1936)” in open access.


Se presenta un avance de repertorio de las revistas jurídicas editadas en España entre 1834 y 1936. Contiene un catálogo de 137 títulos diferentes, acompañados de un índice cronológico, alfabético y de lugares de edición de los títulos, así como un índice onomástico de los directores de las revistas. En general, el texto resume lo que cuatro generaciones de juristas españoles quisieron hacer en cuanto a publicaciones periódicas se refiere


More info here

BOOK: Jacques BOUINEAU (Ed.), Les aspects politico-juridiques de la domination. De l'époque moderne à l'époque contemporaine (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2020). ISBN: 978-2-343-21503-7, pp. 258, € 26

(Source: L'Harmattan)


Collection : Méditerranées

Quels sont les aspects politiques et juridiques de la domination ? Ce volume traite de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. Il regroupe les textes issus de conférences prononcées dans le cadre du CEIR (Centre d'Études Internationales sur la Romanité) durant l'année 2019-2020 ou de communications présentées lors du colloque 2019 de « Méditerranées ». Des phénomènes d'évidence font sauter aux yeux la domination, tandis qu'existent aussi des zones de demi-teintes dans lesquelles la domination possède le double profil de Janus.


Agrégé des facultés de droit et docteur en histoire médiévale, Jacques Bouineau a été successivement professeur aux universités de Poitiers, Paris X Nanterre, et La Rochelle. Il est également président de l'association Méditerranées, de l'association Antiquité-Avenir. Réseau des associations liées à l'Antiquité, directeur du CEIR et professeur d'histoire du droit.

Ont contribué à ce volume Jacques Bouineau, Jean-Marie Demaldent, François Ost, Paolo Alvazzi Del Frate, Philippe Sturmel, Alexandre Viala, Dominique Hocquellet, Erik Neveu, Olivier et Éric Debat, Ahmed Djelida.

More information with the publisher.

21 January 2021

BOOK: Fabrizio MARINELLI, Cultura giuridica e identità europea (Torino: Giappichelli Editore, 2020). ISBN: 9788892135710, pp. 320, € 40,00



Fabrizio Marinelli è professore ordinario di diritto privato nell’Università dell’Aquila, dove insegna anche la storia del diritto moderno. Si è occupato soprattutto di codici (La cultura del Code civil. Un profilo storico, Padova, 2004; Gli itinerari del codice civile, 3° ed., Milano, 2008), di proprietà collettive (Gli usi civici, 2° ed., Milano, 2013; Un’altra proprietà. Usi civici, assetti fondiari collettivi, beni comuni, 2° ed., Pisa, 2018; Lezioni sulla proprietà collettiva (a cura di), Pisa, 2020), di storiografia giuridica (Scienza e storia del diritto civile, Roma-Bari, 2009, con prefazione di Paolo Grossi), di diritto e letteratura (Il diritto altrove, Pisa, 2019). Per i nostri tipi Dimensioni del contratto (a cura di), Torino, 2019 e Diritto privato dell’economia, 4° ed., Torino, 2020.

More information with the publisher.

CALL FOR PAPERS: International Military Justice Forum (Paris, 18-19 November 2021) (DEADLINE: 15 April 2021)

We received news of a call for papers for the first international military justice forum, which also considers papers on the History of Military Justice and Comparative Military Justice.

International Military Justice Forum

Military justice as it is, as it was, as it was compared and as it could be.

Paris, Cour de Cassation, November 18 and 19, 2021

Argument. The International Military Justice Forum (IMJF) is a place of debate, meeting and exchange that proposes to explore a variety of military justice issues. Its first objective is to highlight the diversity of military justice systems, to expose their salient features, to explore their history and to underline their actual evolution. In a comparative way, the IMJF also aims to emphasize links and similarities that may have existed - or still exist - between national military laws, which may be consequences of circulations of legal models, codes, doctrines and people or the existence geopolitical influences. This scientific event must finally allow us to imagine together what the future of military law could be, as our armed forces are transformed by new technologies. Its originality is to mix disciplines. History, law, ethics, philosophy and new technologies will be at the heart of our debates and discussions. The IMJF, which is a continuation of the work carried out by lawyers at the Research Centre of the French Military Academy Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan (CREC) from 2010, was created to bring together academics, professionals, armed forces officers, engineers and all those who share an interest for this exciting discipline. The CREC, in collaboration with the Parquet Général of the French Cour de Cassation, will host the first edition of the International Military Justice Forum in Paris on November 18 and 19, 2021.

Objectives: • To highlight contemporary military justice systems and to compare them (Military Justice as it is). This first part should be used to deepen knowledge on military justice systems that exist in the world and to identify points of comparison. Many issues are to be considered: What are the legal foundations of military justice? What is military courts’ jurisdiction? How are courts organized? How are they hierarchized? How do they work? Are they special and different from the civilian courts? Are they civilian specialized courts? Or are they organized in a mixed way? Who is the judge? What is the procedure? What are the offences? What are the penalties? What is the officer's role in military justice? All these questions could also be used to provide a critical look at a national military justice system, in terms of structure or training: how to improve military justice? • To recount the history of military justice in the world (Military Justice as it was).

This second part aims to highlight the main historical developments of military justice, from Antiquity to the contemporary period: 1/ The evolution of the sources of military justice: Military justice systems are known to have been largely built by major legislations. As, among others, the first Articles of War in England (1385), the Mandement de Montdidier (1347) and legislations of 1796 in France or the Swedish code of 1621. At the origins of these founding texts, famous legislators have left their mark on the history of military justice. However, the latter has also developed in practice, thanks to courts decisions and to political debates. In other words, what have been sources of military justice? Who are those who contributed to its history? 2/ The institutional aspect: Gradually, military justice has been structured and institutionalized, before being integrated into State administration. How has military justice been transformed in the context of the construction of states and the establishment of permanent and professional armies? This question implies others: how did new bodies of specialized lawyers appear? Broadly speaking, what have been the major structural and institutional transformations of military justice? 3/ The theoretical foundations of military justice: Christianity, Humanism or Enlightenment, for example, may have influenced development and evolution of military justice (Belli, Ayala, Grotius, Vettel, etc.). The French revolutionaries were also not insensitive to the fate of the soldier before a court. Who are the main authors and intellectuals who used their pen to call for reform? What were their arguments? Have they been influential? 4 / Military justice in its military context: Establishing a modern system of military justice is one thing. Being able to make it work properly is another. Has military justice always been effective in times of war and especially in times of debacle or defeat? 5/ Military justice in practice: The history of military justice is also that of trials and cases. Some are famous, others have been forgotten. Some have made military justice grow, others have turned public opinion against it. What are great military affairs in history? Which less well-known ones deserve to be known better?  

The circulation of military justice models in the world (Military Justice as it was compared) Comparative studies can answer two sets of questions. 1/ Why compare national military law? It seems that many authors, lawyer or not, military or not, have compared in the past and still compare military national laws or military justice systems today. And there is a variety of reasons: criticizing a system, promoting or rejecting reform, categorizing or classifying laws or procedures, or simply exposing diversity. It also seems that several national military laws have been models used to build other national legal systems. The aim is to look at the circulation of military law models around the world, and to expose methods and motives of legal comparison. 2/ Are there "families" of military law? French comparatist René David identified several "families" of legal systems in the world (Common Law, Civil Law, Religious Law, etc.)? But could it be possible to identify families of military laws? In other words, have colonization, international treaties of all kinds (e.g. NATO), intergovernmental organizations (Ex: Commonwealth), political unions (Ex: USSR), political and economic associations (Ex: EU) or simply interstate cultural or diplomatic bounds, contributed to the emergence of "families" of military justice systems, whose members share common features and similarities?  

Imagine tomorrow’s military law and military justice (Military Justice as it it could be). Battlefield robotization, augmented soldier, artificial intelligence; technological developments present and to come and their use by armed forces will necessarily be controlled and regulated by law. Stakes are numerous: responsibility, consent, courts’ jurisdiction, etc. Which future for military law and military justice?

Papers will be given in English or in French (interpreters will translate from English to French and from French to English). Organization committee: Stéphane Baudens (CREC Saint-Cyr) Eric Gherardi (CREC Saint-Cyr) Gwenaël Guyon (CREC Saint-Cyr) Gérard de Boisboissel (CREC Saint-Cyr) Proposals for communication (400 words maximum), should be sent to the forum’s organizers, specifying in which section papers would be included: militaryjusticeforum@gmail.com The deadline to submit a proposal is April 15, 2021.

NEWS: Globalex – Researching League of Nations Documents


(Source: NYU)

GlobaLex has recently updated its research guide on conducting research on the League of Nations. The link can be found here

BOOK: Anke GILLEIR & Aude DEFURNE (eds.), Strategic Imaginations. Women and the Gender of Sovereignty in European Culture (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2021), OPEN ACCESS


(image source: Leuven University Press)


What is the gender of political power ? What happens to the history of sovereignty when we reconsider it from a gender perspective ? Political sovereignty has been a major theme in European thought from the very beginning of intellectual reflection on community. Philosophy and political theory, historiography, theology, and literature and the arts have, often in dialogue with one another, sought to represent or recalibrate notions of rule. Yet whatever covenant was imagined, sovereign rule has consistently been figured as a male prerogative While in-depth studies of historical women rulers have proliferated in the past decades, these have not systematically explored how all women rulers throughout the entirety of European culture have had to operate in a context that could not think power as female – except in grotesque terms. Strategic Imaginations demonstrates that this constitutive tension can only be brought out by studying women’s political rule in a comparative and longue durée manner. The book offers a collection of essays that brings together studies of female sovereignty from the Polish-Lithuanian to the British Commonwealth, and from the Middle Ages to the genesis of modern democracy. It addresses historical figures and takes stock of the rich yet unsettling imagination of female rule in philosophy, literature and art history. For all the variety of geographical, social, and historical contexts it engages, the book reveals surprising resonances between the strategies women rulers used and the images and practices they adopted in the context of an all-pervasive skepticism toward female rule.


Marnix Beyen (Universiteit Antwerpen), Aude Defurne (KU Leuven), Ann-Kathrin Deininger (Universität Bonn), Maha El Hissy (Queen Mary, University of London), Anke Gilleir (KU Leuven), Ayaal Herdam (Université de Bordeaux), Josephine Hoegaerts (University of Helsinki), Elisabeth Krimmer (University of California, Davis), Jasmin Leuchtenberg (Universität Bonn), Joanna Marschner (Historic Royal Palaces London), Virginia McKendry (Royal Roads University), Jaroslaw Pietrzak (Pedagogical University Krakow), Maria Cristina Quintero (Bryn Mawr College), David J. Smallwood (Sciences Po Bordeaux), Beatrijs Vanacker (KU Leuven)

(download the book here

JOURNAL: Grotiana (Vol. 41, Issue 2)


(Source: Brill)

Brill has recently published the 2nd issue of Grotiana for 2020. Here the Table of Contents:

Grotius on the Use of Force: Perfect, Imperfect and Civil Wars. An Introduction

Author: Randall Lesaffer

Pages: 255–262

Perfect War: Alberico Gentili on the Use of Force and the Early Modern Law of Nations

Author: Valentina Vadi

Pages: 263–281

Hugo Grotius, Declaration of War, and the International Moral Order

Author: Camilla Boisen

Pages: 282–303

‘Remedium repraesaliarum’: The Medieval and Early Modern Practice and Theory of Reprisal within the Just War Doctrine

Author: Philippine Christina Van den Brande

Pages: 305–329

Grotius on Reprisal

Author: Randall Lesaffer

Pages: 330–348

Corporate Belligerency and the Delegation Theory from Grotius to Westlake

Author: Rotem Giladi

Pages: 349–370

Grotius and Late Medieval Ius Commune on Rebellion and Civil War

Author: Dante Fedele

Pages: 371–389

A Prodigy Child of the Dutch Revolt: Immediate ‘Precursors’ to Grotius on Just Revolt

Author: Raymond Kubben

Pages: 390–411

Hugo Grotius and the Classical Law of Civil War

Author: Ville Kari

Pages: 412–427


More info here

BOOK: Jacques BOUINEAU (Ed.), Les aspects politico-juridiques de la domination. De l'Antiquité au Moyen-Âge (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2020). ISBN: 978-2-343-21502-0, pp. 276, € 27,5

(Source: L'Harmattan)


Collection : Méditerranées

Quels sont les aspects politiques et juridiques de la domination ? Ce volume traite de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. Il regroupe les textes issus de conférences prononcées dans le cadre du CEIR (Centre d'Études Internationales sur la Romanité) durant l'année 2019-2020 ou de communications présentées lors du colloque 2019 de « Méditerranées ». Des phénomènes d'évidence font sauter aux yeux la domination, tandis qu'existent aussi des zones de demi-teintes dans lesquelles la domination possède le double profil de Janus.


Agrégé des facultés de droit et docteur en histoire médiévale, Jacques Bouineau a été successivement professeur aux universités de Poitiers, Paris X Nanterre, et La Rochelle. Il est également président de l'association Méditerranées, de l'association Antiquité-Avenir. Réseau des associations liées à l'Antiquité, directeur du CEIR et professeur d'histoire du droit.

Ont contribué à ce volume Raphaël Nicolle, Frédéric Payraudeau, Giovanni Lobrano, Emilia Ndiaye, Laurent Reverso, Nathalie Cros, Hadrien Chino, Lacen Oulhaj, Benoît Alix, Benjamin Galeran, Ivan Biliarsky.

More information with the publisher.

20 January 2021

BOOK: Rafael RAMIS BARCELÓ, El nacimiento de la Filosofía del derecho. De la Philosophia iuris a la Rechtsphilosophie [Historia del Derecho, 90] (Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2021), ISBN 978-84-1377-286-8, OPEN ACCESS

(image: Christian Thomasius; source: Wikimedia Commons)


This book, according to the method of Begriffsgeschichte, explains the history of the notion of “Philosophy of Law”. Starting from the distinction between the “simulata” and the “vera philosophia”, the historical development continues with the Renaissance notion of “philosophia legalis” and shows that, from 1650 to 1730, treatises and manuals entitled “philosophia iuris” began to proliferate in Lutheran regions. These works (from Chopius until Reftelius, through Thomasius) had never been systematically studied. Starting from the Three-Year Course of Bachelor of Arts and from the Chair of “Natural Law”, these professors looked for some first Principles of Law and wished to establish a conceptual basis for the pedagogical transition from the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy to the Faculty of Law. After a few decades in which the notion of “ius naturale et gentium” was definitively imposed (1730-1780), because of Kant’s Philosophy there was a violent reaction against the philosophical “excesses” of rationalist Natural Law. Then Hugo and others coined the notion of “Philosophie des positiven Rechts”, to which some philosophers like Hegel responded with their “Philosophie des Rechts” or “Rechtsphilosophie”. Through this historical study, some reflections on the current dichotomy between “Theory” and “Philosophy of Law” are made and, according to the historical analysis, some solutions are proposed
 Read the full book here.

BOOK: Stefan EKLÖF AMIRELL, Pirates of Empire. Colonisation and Maritime Violence in Southeast Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). ISBN: 9781108594516, £ 75.00


(Source: CUP)


The suppression of piracy and other forms of maritime violence was a keystone in the colonisation of Southeast Asia. Focusing on what was seen in the nineteenth century as the three most pirate-infested areas in the region - the Sulu Sea, the Strait of Malacca and Indochina - this comparative study in colonial history explores how piracy was defined, contested and used to resist or justify colonial expansion, particularly during the most intense phase of imperial expansion in Southeast Asia from c.1850 to c.1920. In doing so, it demonstrates that piratical activity continued to occur in many parts of Southeast Asia well beyond the mid-nineteenth century, when most existing studies of piracy in the region end their period of investigation. It also points to the changes over time in how piracy was conceptualised and dealt with by each of the major colonial powers in the region - Britain, France, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.


Stefan Eklöf Amirell is Associate Professor in History at Linnaeus University, Sweden. He is also the President of the Swedish Historical Association and Sweden's delegate to the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/CISH). Among his previous works are Pirates in Paradise: A Modern History of Southeast Asia's Maritime Marauders (2006) and several articles on piracy in Southeast Asia.


List of Maps page vi
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
1 Piracy in Global and Southeast Asian History 21
2 The Sulu Sea 42
3 The Strait of Malacca 96
4 Indochina 161
Conclusion 209
Epilogue: Piracy and the End of Empire 232
Bibliography 236
Index 257

More information with the publisher.

19 January 2021

BOOK: Orazio CONDORELLI & Rafael DOMINGO (Eds.), Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy: The Legacy of the Great Jurists (New York: Routledge, 2020). ISBN: 978-0-367-85710-3, pp. 468,


(Source: Routledge)


Firmly rooted on Roman and canon law, Italian legal culture has had an impressive influence on the civil law tradition from the Middle Ages to present day, and it is rightly regarded as "the cradle of the European legal culture." Along with Justinian’s compilation, the US Constitution, and the French Civil Code, the Decretum of Master Gratian or the so-called Glossa ordinaria of Accursius are one of the few legal sources that have influenced the entire world for centuries. This volume explores a millennium-long story of law and religion in Italy through a series of twenty-six biographical chapters written by distinguished legal scholars and historians from Italy and around the world. The chapters range from the first Italian civilians and canonists, Irnerius and Gratian in the early twelfth century, to the leading architect of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI. Between these two bookends, this volume offers notable case studies of familiar civilians like Bartolo, Baldo, and Gentili and familiar canonists like Hostiensis, Panormitanus, and Gasparri but also a number of other jurists in the broadest sense who deserve much more attention especially outside of Italy. This diversity of international and methodological perspectives gives the volume its unique character. The book will be essential reading for academics working in the areas of Legal History, Law and Religion, and Constitutional Law and will appeal to scholars, lawyers, and students interested in the interplay between religion and law in the era of globalization.


Orazio Condorelli is Professor of Ecclesiastical and Canon Law in the University of Catania, Italy.
Rafael Domingo is the Spruill Family Professor of Law and Religion at Emory University in Atlanta, USA, and Alvaro d’Ors Professor of Law at the University of Navarra, Spain.


Foreword: John Witte, Jr.;

Introduction: Orazio Condorelli and Rafael Domingo.;

Irnerius (ca. 1055 to ca. 1125);
Andrea Padovani;
Gratian (late eleventh century to ca. 1145);
Atria A. Larson;
Azo (ca. 1165 to ca. 1120) and Accursius (1182/5 to ca. 1263);
Emanuele Conte;
Sinibaldo Fieschi (Pope Innocent IV) (1180/90–1254);
Kathleen G. Cushing;
Enrico da Susa (Cardinal Hostiensis) (ca. 1200–1271);
Kenneth Pennington;
Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274);
Charles J. Reid Jr;
Cino Sinibuldi da Pistoia (ca. 1265–1336);
Giuseppe Speciale;
Giovanni d’Andrea (1270–1348);
Peter D. Clarke;
Bartolo da Sassoferrato (1313/14–1357);
Orazio Condorelli;
Baldo degli Ubaldi da Perugia (1327–1400);
Julius Kirshner;
Paolo di Castro (1360/62–1441);
Susanne Lepsius;
Niccolò Tedeschi (Panormitanus) (1386–1445);
R. H. Helmholz;
Thomas Cajetan (1469–1534);
Wim Decock;
Andrea Alciato (1492–1550);
Alain Wijffels;
Robert Bellarmine (1542–1621);
Lorenzo Sinisi;
Alberico Gentili (1552–1608);
Giovanni Minnucci;
Giovanni Battista De Luca (1613–1683);
Italo Birocchi;
Giambattista Vico (1668–1744)
Marco Nicola Miletti
Cesare Beccaria (1738–1794);
Maria Gigliola di Renzo Villata;
Pietro Gasparri (1852–1934);
Alberto Lupano;
Contardo Ferrini (1859–1902);
Rafael Domingo;
Luigi Sturzo (1871–1959);
Romeo Astorri;
Francesco Carnelutti (1879–1965);
Giovanni Chiodi;
Alcide De Gasperi (1881–1954);
Olivier Descamps;
Arturo Carlo Jemolo (1891–1981);
Carlo Fantappiè;
Giovanni Battista Montini, Pope Paul VI (1897–1978);
Jean-Pierre Schouppe;

More information with the publisher.