28 June 2016

CONFERENCE & CFP: "Quantity and Quantification in History" (Porto, November 18-19 2016)

WHAT Quantity and Quantification in HistoryXXXVI Conference of the APHES (Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History)

WHEN November 18-19 2016

WHERE Faculdade de Economia do Porto, Porto (Portugal)

The city of Porto will host the 36th Annual Meeting of the APHES, which will take place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto on the 18 and 19 November 2016

New Extended deadline for proposals: 30 June 2016
Communication of acceptation: before 31 July 2016

Keynote Speaker: Professor Bruce Campbell, Queen’s University, Belfast (“Measuring the Medieval Economy”)


The theme chosen for this meeting is “Quantity and Quantification in History”. In Portugal and throughout Europe, the last decade saw the emergence of major research projects dedicated to the collection of vast quantities of historical data, though not necessarily by historians. This coincided with the development of new quantification methods and tools, in both History and in other disciplines. This poses challenges that historiography cannot be indifferent to. On one side, this trend stimulates historians to experiment with increasingly demanding, but also increasingly rewarding, quantitative methodologies. On the other side, heuristics, hermeneutics and the very rules of their craft mean that historians possess a unique vantage point on these datasets and on the sources they are built upon. Either way, quantitative research on historical data enhances the role of Economic and Social History in the frontier with the remaining social sciences.

JOB: Vacataire in Legal History (Univ. Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, September 2016-June 2017)

WHAT Vacataire in Legal History, Recrutement d'un vacataire en Histoire du Droit (TD, LD1, sem. 1 & 2)

WHEN September 2016-June 2017

WHERE Université deVersailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France

all information here

L'Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines recrute un vacataire pour assurer des TD en histoire du droit, à partir de septembre 2016: 

Licence 1
Semestre 1 - Histoire des institutions du Moyen Age à la fin de l'Ancien Régime
Semestre 2 - Histoire des sources de l'Antiquité au XIXe siècle

Pour tout renseignement, vous pouvez vous adresser à Sophie Petit-Renaud, Professeur d'Histoire du droit - sophiepetitrenaud@yahoo.fr

BOOK: "Homo criminalis. Cesare Lombroso et l'antropologie criminelle en Italie" by Monica Ginnaio (June 2016)

Monica Ginnaio, Homo criminalis. Cesare Lombroso et l'antropologie criminelle en Italie

all information here

Cesare Lombroso (1838-1909) est le psychiatre italien considéré comme l'inventeur de l'anthropologie criminelle. Génie éclectique et fécond, il est à l'origine de nombreuses théories novatrices et controverses touchant à des multiples secteurs du savoir. Sa volonté de protection sociale à travers une prise en charge médicale et législative de la déviance le conduit à concevoir l'anthropologie criminelle, moment essentiel dans le processus scientifique italien. Doctrine fortement critiquée, issue de la phrénologie et de la physiognomique anciennes, l'anthropologie criminelle lombrosienne veut définir la criminalité comme une pathologie, mesurant et catégorisant le délinquant en fonction de ses comportements et de son héritage criminel. L'atavisme et l'épileptisme, au coeur du système lombrosien, caractérisent le criminel-né et le criminel aliéné, principales typologies spécifiées par l'auteur. Cesare Lombroso bâtit ses concepts pour comprendre le phénomène criminel dans son intégralité : dans ces termes, l'anthropologie criminelle peut donc être estimée comme une étape fondamentale de l'actuelle criminologie. Fondée sur les écritures de l'auteur sur l'argument, cette analyse retrace les points essentiels du parcours de l'anthropologie criminelle dans le contexte positiviste du XIXe siècle italien. 
Monica Ginnaio est docteur en histoire, anthropologue et spécialisée en histoire de la médecine et de la pensée médicale. Parmi ses domaines de compétences, elle s'intéresse particulièrement à l'observation des causes et des conséquences, notamment démographiques et sanitaires, de l'impact des grandes pathologies «historiques» sur les populations européennes médiévales et modernes. Chercheur collaborateur au département d'anthropologie biologique et de paléodémographie du laboratoire CEPAM/CNRS de Nice, elle intervient également dans l'unité de recherche en histoire de l'INED de Paris et dans l'enseignement d'Histoire de la Médecine à la faculté de Médecine de Nice.

BOOK: "A Companion to the Swiss Reformation" edited by Amy Nelson Burnett and Emilio Campi (July 2016)

A Companion to the Swiss Reformation, edited by Amy Nelson Burnett and Emilio Campi

all information here

A Companion to the Swiss Reformation describes the course of the Protestant Reformation in the Swiss Confederation over the course of the sixteenth century. Its essays examine the successes as well as the failures of the reformation movement, considering not only the institutional churches but also the spread of Anabaptism. The volume highlights the different form that the Reformation took among the members of the Confederation and its allied territories, and it describes the political, social and cultural consequences of the Reformation for the Confederation as a whole.
Contributors are: Irena Backus, Jan-Andrea Bernhard, Amy Nelson Burnett, Michael W. Bruening, Erich Bryner, Emidio Campi, Bruce Gordon, Kaspar von Greyerz, Sundar Henny, Karin Maag, Thomas Maissen, Regula Schmid-Keeling, Martin Sallmann, and Andrea Strübind
Amy Nelson Burnett, Ph.D. (1989), is the Varner Professor of History at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is the author of several books and articles on the Swiss Reformation, including Teaching the Reformation: Ministers and their Message in Basel, 1529-1629 (2006).
Emidio Campi, Dr. theol. Dr. h.c., is Professor Emeritus of Church History and Director Emeritus of the Institute for Swiss Reformation History at the University of Zurich. He has written widely on the Swiss Reformation. His recent book is Shifting Patterns of Reformed Tradition (2014).
Table of contents

List of Contributors
List of Maps
List of Illustrations

Part One: Background

Amy Nelson Burnett and Emidio Campi

Chapter One: The Swiss Confederation Before the Reformation
Regula Schmid

22 June 2016

NOTICE: "Normes et institutions de l’hospitalité dans l’Antiquité méditerranéenne : regards sur l’Antiquité tardive" (Rome, June 27-28)

WHAT Normes et institutions de l’hospitalité dans l’Antiquité méditerranéenne : regards sur l’Antiquité tardive, atelier

WHEN June 27-28 2016 (June 27: 14.00/17.30 - June 28: 9.30/12.30)

WHERE Ecole Francaise de Rome, Piazza Farnese 67, Rome

all information here

Après une première rencontre consacrée aux questions de lexique (ENS de Lyon, 24-25 mars 2016), le deuxième atelier de recherches du projet HospitAm est dédié à la question des normes et des institutions de l’hospitalité autour de la Méditerranée antique, qui nous invite à explorer les liens entre hospitalité et droit naturel, religieux, public ou privé. En Orient comme en Occident, l’Antiquité tardive se révèle une période clé dans cette perspective, entre institutionnalisation d’une culture dite chrétienne de l’hospitalité, persistance de traditions aristocratiques de réception, restructuration de réseaux publics d’accueil et vastes entreprises de codification du droit civil et religieux.

Le projet HospitAm

Le projet HospitAm (Hospitalités dans l'Antiquité méditerranéenne : sources, enjeux, pratiques discours), coordonné par Claire Fauchon-Claudon (ENS de Lyon-HiSoMA UMR 5189) et par Marie-Adeline Le Guennec (École française de Rome, Section Antiquité -HiSoMA UMR 5189), est un projet émergent de l'ENS de Lyon dédié à l'exploration de la notion d'hospitalité dans le contexte du bassin méditerranéen, entre Antiquité et Haut Moyen Âge. Qu'on l'entende dans son sens général de pratique gratuite de réception ou qu'elle s'incarne dans des conventions particulières d'accueil entre individus et/ou groupes, l'hospitalité et ses réseaux jouent un rôle décisif dans l'organisation, la gestion et l'encadrement des mobilités humaines en Méditerranée, et ce à l'échelle de l'ensemble de l'Antiquité : le projet HospitAm entend contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de ce phénomène complexe, entre pratiques, discours et représentations, continuités et ruptures diachroniques, diversités et permanences régionales.

JOURNAL: "Historia et Jus" (n. 9, June 2016)

Historia et Jus, n. 9, June 2016

all information here

Num. 9 - June 2016                                                                                        gli autori del num. 9
  • 1) In ricordo di Severino Caprioli (di Giovanni Diurni) - PDF
  • 2) In ricordo di Aldo Mazzacane (di Mario Caravale) - PDF

Temi e questioni

  • 3) Maria Rosa Di Simone, La condizione giuridica della donna nell’ABGB - PDF
  • 4) Federico Martino, Storia dell’uomo che voleva giurare a suo modo. Diritto civile e libertà di coscienza tra Rivoluzione e Impero - PDF
  • 5) Giacomo Pace Gravina, “In Sicilia per poco non è data la stessa aria in enfiteusi”: un istituto delle Leggi Civili del 1819 nella lettura dei giuristi isolani - PDF

Studi (valutati tramite peer review)

  • 6) Antonio Cappuccio, Pratiche speculative e resistenze del diritto: i contratti a termine sui valori mobiliari in Francia tra Ancien Régime e codificazione - PDF
  • 7) Antonello Cincotta, L’ambiente "l’Antico e noi". Premesse storiche ad uno studio in materia di diritto penale dell’ambiente - PDF
  • 8) Daniele Edigati, Una riforma di fine Antico Regime alla vigilia dell’annessione. Moreau de Saint-Méry e il problema della giustizia criminale nel ducato parmense - PDF
  • 9) Alessia Legnani Annichini, La disciplina del prosseneta tra iura propria e ius commune: la realtà bolognese (secc. XIII-XV) - PDF
  • 10) Claudia Passarella, La tortura giudiziaria nella Repubblica di Venezia nei secoli XVI-XVIII - PDF
  • 11) Federico Roggero, Storia demaniale della città dell'Aquila - PDF
  • 12) Enrico Sandrini, Gli ordinamenti forensi del Ducato austro-estense - PDF

Fonti e letture

  • 13) Adhémar Esmein, La jurisprudence et la doctrine (1902), introduzione di Paolo Alvazzi del Frate - PDF

BOOK: "Reinventing Punishment. A Comparative History of Criminology and Penology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries" by Michele Pifferi (June, 2016)

Reinventing Punishment. A Comparative History of Criminology and Penology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, by Michele Pifferi

all information here

  • Offers an ambitious comparative approach to the history of criminology and penology, contributing to the current debate on the common traits of European and US penology
  • Interprets the relations between constitutional frameworks and the principle of individualisation of punishment
  • Analyses the legal, political, and theoretical arguments that have been used both against and in favour of preventive detention
Michele Pifferi is Associate Professor of Legal History at the Law Department, University of Ferrara, where he teaches Medieval and Modern Law History and Criminal Law History. He has been visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main (2002); Emil Noël Fellow at the Jean Monnet Center for International & Regional Economic Law and Justice, NYU School of Law (2009); Robbins Fellow at Berkeley UC, School of Law (2012); Academic Visitor at the Oxford Centre for Criminology (2014); and is currently Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Hamburg. His research interests focus on comparative history of criminal law and criminology and migration history.

Table of contents

1: Introduction
2: Designing the 'New Horizons' of Punishment
3: The Origins of Different Penological Identities
4: The Struggle over the Indeterminacy of Punishment in the USE (1870s-1900s)
5: The Concept of Indeterminate Sentence in the European Criminal Law Doctrine
6: The Formation of the European Dual-Track System
7: The 'New Penology' as a Constitutional Matter: The Crisis of Legality in the Rule of Law and the Rechtsstaat (1900s-1930s)
8: Nulla poena sine lege and the Sentencing Discretion
9: From Repression to Prevention: The Uncertain Borders between Jurisdiction and Administration
10: The Constitutional Conundrum of the Limits to Preventive Detention
11: Conclusions

14 June 2016

BOOK: "Press and Speech Under Assault: The Early Supreme Court Justices, the Sedition Act of 1798, and the Campaign against Dissent " by Wendell Bird (2016)

Wendell Bird, Press and Speech Under Assault: The Early Supreme Court Justices, the Sedition Act of 1798, and the Campaign against Dissent

all information here

The early Supreme Court justices wrestled with how much press and speech is protected by freedoms of press and speech, before and under the First Amendment, and with whether the Sedition Act of 1798 violated those freedoms. This book discusses the twelve Supreme Court justices before John Marshall, their views of liberties of press and speech, and the Sedition Act prosecutions over which some of them presided. 

The book begins with the views of the pre-Marshall justices about freedoms of press and speech, before the struggle over the Sedition Act. It finds that their understanding was strikingly more expansive than the narrow definition of Sir William Blackstone, which is usually assumed to have dominated the period. Not one justice of the Supreme Court adopted that narrow definition before 1798, and all expressed strong commitments to those freedoms. 

The book then discusses the views of the early Supreme Court justices about freedoms of press and speech during the national controversy over the Sedition Act of 1798 and its constitutionality. It finds that, though several of the justices presided over Sedition Act trials, the early justices divided almost evenly over that issue with an unrecognized half opposing its constitutionality, rather than unanimously supporting the Act as is generally assumed. The book similarly reassesses the Federalist party itself, and finds that an unrecognized minority also challenged the constitutionality of the Sedition Act and the narrow Blackstone approach during 1798-1801, and that an unrecognized minority of the other states did as well in considering the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. 

The book summarizes the recognized fourteen prosecutions of newspaper editors and other opposition members under the Sedition Act of 1798. It sheds new light on the recognized cases by identifying and confirming twenty-two additional Sedition Act prosecutions. 

At each of these steps, this book challenges conventional views in existing histories of the early republic and of the early Supreme Court justices.

BOOK: "Martial Law and English Laws, c.1500–c.1700" by John M. Collins (May, 2016)

John M. Collins, Martial Law and English Laws, c. 1500- c. 1700

all information here

John M. Collins presents the first comprehensive history of martial law in the early modern period. He argues that rather than being a state of exception from law, martial law was understood and practiced as one of the King's laws. Further, it was a vital component of both England's domestic and imperial legal order. It was used to quell rebellions during the Reformation, to subdue Ireland, to regulate English plantations like Jamestown, to punish spies and traitors in the English Civil War, and to build forts on Jamaica. Through outlining the history of martial law, Collins reinterprets English legal culture as dynamic, politicized, and creative, where jurists were inspired by past practices to generate new law rather than being restrained by it. This work asks that legal history once again be re-integrated into the cultural and political histories of early modern England and its empire.

John M. CollinsEastern Washington University
John M. Collins is a Lecturer in History at Eastern Washington University. He studied for his PhD at the University of Virginia. He has in the past been awarded research grants from the North American Council of British Studies, the American Society for Legal History, the Huntington Library, the Clark Library, the Lilly Library, and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.

BOOK: "Miscellaneous Reports of Cases in the Court of Delegates from 1670 to 1750" W. H. Bryson, ed. (2016)

W. H. Bryson, ed., Miscellaneous Reports of Cases in the Court of Delegates from 1670 to 1750

all information here

BOOK: "Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery in the Middle Ages" W. H. Bryson ed. (2016)

W. H. Bryson, ed., Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery in the Middle Ages (1325 to 1508)

all information here

11 June 2016

NOTICE: "ESCLH General Assembly" (Gdynia, June 30 2016)

WHAT The ESCLH General Assembly

WHEN June 30, 9:00 

WHERE Pomeranian Park of Science and Technology, Gdynia

The General Assembly for 2016 will take place at the ESCLH conference, specifically on 30 June, 9am, Pomeranian Park of Science and Technology, Gdynia. Would any members who have any business that they wish to bring to the meeting please respond immediately to the Secretary-General, Matt Dyson, on mnd21@cam.ac.uk. The Executive Council would particularly welcome any discussion on the futher growth and development of our honourable society. Items need to reach the Secretary-General as soon as possible, and in particular, before 15 June. Information on any items for the agenda will appear on the blog (esclh.blogspot.co.uk) and/or sent to you.

In the meantime, the Executive Council is greatly looking forward to seeing you all in the great Tri-City of Poland for the fourth biennial conference!

10 June 2016

BOOK: "History and Constitution" by Luigi Lacché (2016)

History and Constitution. Developments in European Constitutionalism: the comparative experience of Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium, by Luigi Lacché

all information here

Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 299 
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2016. IX, 722 S.

ISBN 978-3-465-04285-3

This volume gathers together 25 essays dedicated to the history of four important constitutional experiments (France, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy). While it considers these experiments and developments in the 19th and 20th centuries, comparative constitutional history, nevertheless, offers the possibility of obtaining a wider purview. It is in this sense that we can speak of the myth of the English constitution pervading the discourses and language of the French liberals, of Belgium being referred to as “Little England” in Italy, and the Modell Deutschland as increasingly becoming an object of fascination for Italian scholars of public law. In the 1830s Alexis de Tocqueville analysed the situation in Switzerland and compared the different kinds of federalism present in America and in Europe.
A European comparative constitutional history, taking up a global perspective, can help us to better decipher two very important issues pertinent to our times: first, for assessing the identity and the constitutional substance of a living common core of the European constitutional traditions; and second, for considering constitutional history as a useful tool to address different levels of global constitutionalism and new trends of governance. History & Constitution offers not only insights into the past, but also provides some guidelines for the future.

09 June 2016

CONFERENCE: XVth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law (Paris, 18-23 Jul 2016)

The XVth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law will take place in Paris from 18 to 23 July 2016, co-organised by the Institut d'Histoire du Droit (Paris II Panthéon-Assas), ÉHESS and the Michel de l'Hôpital School of Law (Clermont-Ferrand/Auvergne).

Organising committee:
  • Bernard d’Alteroche, Professor at the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
  • Patrick Arabeyre, Professor at the École nationale des chartes
  • Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet, Professor at the University Paris-Sud
  • Michèle Bégou-Davia, Professor emeritus at the University Paris-Sud
  • Florence Demoulin-Auzary, Professor at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie
  • Olivier Descamps, Professor at the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
  • François Jankowiak, Professor at the University Paris-Sud
  • Nicolas Laurent-Bonne, Professor at the University of Auvergne
  • Anne Lefebvre-Teillard, Professor emeritus at the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
  • Charles de Miramon, Research Fellow at the CNRS
  • Franck Roumy, Professor at the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
  • Clarisse Siméant, Lecturer at the University Paris-Sud
Scientific committee:
  •  Greta Austin, Associate Professor at the university of Puget Sound
  • Michèle Bégou-Davia, Professor emeritus at the university Paris-Sud
  • Peter Clarke, Professor at the university of Southampton
  • Kathleen Cushing, Reader in medieval history at Keele University
  • Florence Demoulin-Auzary, Professor at the university of Caen Basse-Normandie
  • Gisela Drossbach, Professor at the university of Augsburg
  • Franck Roumy, Professor at the university Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
  • Thomas Wetzstein, Professor at the university of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
  • Anders Winroth, Professor at the university of Yale

A full-fledged website is online here.

The full programme can be found here, a link to register here.

BOOK: Benjamin Allen COATES, Legalist Empire: International Law and American Foreign Relations in the Early Twentieth Century. Oxford, OUP, 2016, 296 p. ISBN 9780190495954, $ 35

(image source: OUP)

The Legal History Blog signalled the publication of Legalist Empire: International Law and American Foreign Relations in the Early Twentieth Century by Benjamin Allen Coates (Wake Forest University).

America's empire expanded dramatically following the Spanish-American War of 1898. The United States quickly annexed the Philippines and Puerto Rico, seized control over Cuba and the Panama Canal Zone, and extended political and financial power throughout Latin America. This age of empire, Benjamin Allen Coates argues, was also an age of international law. Justifying America's empire with the language of law and civilization, international lawyers-serving simultaneously as academics, leaders of the legal profession, corporate attorneys, and high-ranking government officials-became central to the conceptualization, conduct, and rationalization of US foreign policy.

Just as international law shaped empire, so too did empire shape international law. Legalist Empire shows how the American Society of International Law was animated by the same notions of "civilization" that justified the expansion of empire overseas. Using the private papers and published writings of such figures as Elihu Root, John Bassett Moore, and James Brown Scott, Coates shows how the newly-created international law profession merged European influences with trends in American jurisprudence, while appealing to elite notions of order, reform, and American identity. By projecting an image of the United States as a unique force for law and civilization, legalists reconciled American exceptionalism, empire, and an international rule of law. Under their influence the nation became the world's leading advocate for the creation of an international court.
Although the legalist vision of world peace through voluntary adjudication foundered in the interwar period, international lawyers-through their ideas and their presence in halls of power-continue to infuse vital debates about America's global role.

 Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: International Law in Europe and America to 1898
Chapter 2: Selling Empire, 1898-1904
Chapter 3: Legalism at Home: Professionalizing International Law, 1900-1913
Chapter 4: Legalism in the World, 1907-1913
Chapter 5: International Law and Empire in Latin America, 1904-1917
Chapter 6: Legalism, Neutrality, and the Great War, 1914-1918
Chapter 7: World War, Collective Security, and International Law, 1914-1941
List of Abbreviations
More information at OUP.

PAPER: Thomas Mohr on "Ireland and the British Empire 1916-1937: A Relationship Reflected in Law Journals" (SSRN)

(source: ucd.ie)

The Law and Humanities blog signals a paper on SSRN by Thomas Mohr (Sutherland School of Law, UCD) entitled "Ireland and the British Empire, 1916-1937: A Relationship Reflected in Law Journals" in the UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies series (04/16).

The purpose of this article is to assess the value of law journals as sources for the analysis of modern Irish history. It examines how two periods of obvious political transition in Irish history are reflected in law journals. The article covers the period between 1916 and 1922, which saw the secession most of the island of Ireland from the United Kingdom, and the period between 1922 and 1937, which saw the gradual secession of the Irish Free State from the British Empire. It examines how military conflict, partition and the 1921 Anglo Irish Treaty influenced the content, nature, and editorial policies followed by Irish law journals. Important non-Irish law journals, in particular the Canadian Bar Review and the Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, are also examined in the context of the constitutional relationship between the Irish Free State and Dominion status. These examples are used to support the conclusion that law journals remain important sources in charting and evaluating political transitions in early twentieth century Ireland. 
See text on SSRN.

BOOK: Luigi LACCHÈ, History & Constitution. Developments in European Constitutionalism: the comparative experience of Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium [Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte; 299]. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2016, 722 p. ISBN 9783465042853, € 119

(image source: klostermann)

Prof. Luigi Lacchè (Macerata) just published a volume of collected essays on History & Constitution Developments in European Constitutionalism: the comparative experience of Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium, the 299th volume in the Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte-series of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt.

This volume gathers together 25 essays dedicated to the history of four important constitutional experiments (France, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy). While it considers these experiments and developments in the 19th and 20th centuries, comparative constitutional history, nevertheless, offers the possibility of obtaining a wider purview. It is in this sense that we can speak of the myth of the English constitution pervading the discourses and language of the French liberals, of Belgium being referred to as “Little England” in Italy, and the Modell Deutschland as increasingly becoming an object of fascination for Italian scholars of public law. In the 1830s Alexis de Tocqueville analysed the situation in Switzerland and compared the different kinds of federalism present in America and in Europe.
A European comparative constitutional history, taking up a global perspective, can help us to better decipher two very important issues pertinent to our times: first, for assessing the identity and the constitutional substance of a living common core of the European constitutional traditions; and second, for considering constitutional history as a useful tool to address different levels of global constitutionalism and new trends of governance. History & Constitution offers not only insights into the past, but also provides some guidelines for the future.
Free excerpt can be read here.

06 June 2016

BOOK: Mario CAJAS, The History of the Supreme Court of Colombia, 1886-1991 [La Historia de la Corte Suprema deJusticia de Colombia, 1886-1991]. Bogotá: University of the Andes/Icesi University, 2015. ISBN 9789587740929 and 9789587740943, $25

(image source: Libreria Uniandes)

Mario Cajas-Sarria (Icesi University, Cali) published The History of the Supreme Court of Colombia, 1886-1991.

Abstract and table of contents:
The book tells for the first time a history of the Supreme Court of Colombia and places the tribunal in the broader context of Colombian politics.
This history evolves in eight periods and chapters: (1) From the Court of the Regeneration to Constitutional Court: Between the Defense of Legality to Constitutional Supremacy, 1886-1910; (2) The Supreme Court in its Inaugural Stage as a Constitutional Court, 1910-1915; (3) The Court Between Conservative and Liberal Hegemony: Between Politics and Law, 1915-1945; (4) The Supreme Court, 1945-1952: Toward the Crisis of the Political Regime; (5) The Court under the Military Rule, from 1953 to 1958; (6) The Transition to Civilian Rule: The Court at the beginning of the National Front; (7) The Consolidation and Crisis of the National Front and the Struggle for Power of Judicial Review, 1968 to 1980; and (8)The Court in the Midst of War: Rise and Decline of Judicial Review of the Supreme Court, 1981-1991.
The narrative is constructed through the mutual interdependence between legal doctrine and political contexts and environments, so that it serves to outline the development of the Court within the Colombian political realm. The book analyzes the constitutional decisions of the Court, and recognizing a partial autonomy of legal doctrine, discusses his relationship with political events.
In each period different interventions of the court reveal their political complex, the relationships with other political actors in the political regime, and also the strategic behavior of the Court and its justices. Thus, it captures the changes, ruptures and continuity in the institutional trajectory of the Supreme Court, the constitutional justice and even the building of the Colombian judiciary. In this history, the Court appears as a "special" political actor, who made decisions although constrained by legal doctrines and the interpretive community. In doing so, this narrative seeks to contribute to the knowledge of a field that, in general, has arguably been unexplored in Latin America and especially in Colombia.
Capítulo Primero: Cómo construir una narrativa de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia
Capítulo Segundo De juez de la Regeneración a juez constitucional: entre la defensa de la legalidad y la supremacía constitucional, 1886-1910.
Capítulo Tercero: La Corte Suprema de Justicia en su etapa inaugural como juez constitucional, 1910-1915;.
Capítulo Cuarto: La Corte entre las hegemonías conservadora y liberal: entre la política y el .derecho, 1915-1945.
Capítulo Quinto: La Corte Suprema de justicia, 1945-1952: hacia la crisis del régimen político.
Capítulo Sexto: La Corte bajo el régimen militar, 1953-1958.
Capítulo Séptimo: La transición al régimen civil: La Corte en los inicios del Frente Nacional.
Capítulo  Octavo: La consolidación y crisis del Frente Nacional y la lucha por el poder del control constitucional,-1968-1980.
Capítulo Noveno: La Corte en medio de la guerra: ascenso y declive del control constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, 1981-1991.  
 The book can be acquired on amazon or at the University of the Andes.

04 June 2016

CONFERENCE: "From Mothers to Citizens: Italian Women from Unification to the Republic" (Cambridge, September 29-30 2016)

WHAT From Mothers to Citizens: Italian Women from Unification to the Republic, Conference

WHEN September 29-30 2016

WHERE University of Cambridge, Department of Italian, Raised Faculty Building, Sedgwick Avenue, Cambridge

all information here

This conference seeks to mark the 70th anniversary of women's right to vote by investigating the development of women’s status and their changing role and image between Unification and the founding of the Republic.

BOOK: "The spirit of Korean Law. Korean Legal History in Context" by Marie Seong-Hak Kim (ed.)

The spirit of Korean Law. Korean Legal History in Context, by Marie Seong-Hak Kim (ed.)

Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2016
ISBN13: 9789004290778

This is the first book on Korean legal history in English written by a group of leading scholars from around the world. The chapters set forth the developments of Korean law from the Chosŏn to colonial and modern periods through the examination of codified laws, legal theories and practices, and jurisprudence. The contributors’ shared premise is that the evolution of Korean law can be best understood when viewed in terms of its interactions with outside laws. Each chapter integrates literature in Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Western languages into comprehensive analyses to make up-to-date research available to readers both inside and outside Korea. This volume provides a solid framework from which to approach Korean legal history in the perspective of comparative legal traditions.

Biographical note
Marie Seong-Hak Kim (J.D. 1994; Ph.D. 1991) is Professor of History at St. Cloud State University. She is the author of Law and Custom in Korea: Comparative Legal History (2012) and Michel de L’Hôpital: The Vision of a Reformist Chancellor during the French Religious Wars (1997).

Anyone interested in Korean law, Korean history, East Asian legal history, and comparative legal traditions.

Table of contents